Sunday, September 2, 2012

Risn-N-Shine Cafe in Sunland

Sunday, September 2, 2012
My Cost: about $25 (cash only)

9685 Sunland Blvd

Because Omar had to work yesterday, today felt like the official beginning of our Labor Day Weekend. We kicked it off with breakfast at our regular place - the Rise-N-Shine Cafe in Sunland. It's a yummy little cash-only place with a Western theme, and tons of posters, photographs, standees, what-have-you, all over the walls. I found it through their Yelp reviews. We've been eating here whenever we go out to breakfast for at least a year now. It's not every weekend, but it's often enough that the waitresses have seen our family grow from one child to two, and have observed how fast they both are growing. (I feel like I should know the waitresses' names by now, but I don't. I do leave good tips though!)

This is the most recent photo I could find from the Rise-N-Shine, taken December 17, 2011.

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